Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Lunch with Tom and Nate.

Nate is in the two person sketch group, Team Submarine, probably one of the most popular sketch shows in Chicago right now.

Tom: I read that article about you guys in 'Time Out.'

Team Submarine has built up a following by doing a lot of shows. They do a lot of shows in a lot of weird places.

Nate: We actually just turned down a show for the first time. It's this weird college show and the theme for the night is racism. An anti-racism student group wanted us to do an intentionally racist show, I guess to show that racism "isn't a laughing matter."
Tom: Oh no.
Nate: What's the upside of doing that show? Either the audience hates us or we're responsible for people enjoying racism. And they couldn't pay us, but they tried to say it would be good exposure.
Tom: Oh no.
Nate: The e-mail actually said that main reason we should do it is that it's finally an opportunity to do "all the racists material we've always wanted to do" and get away with it. So, yeah, we're not doing it.
Me: Sounds like the right choice.
Nate: I am thinking about going to watch it, though.

1 comment:

crabbydad said...

Did Nate order an entire head of broccoli for lunch?