Monday, April 14, 2008

Sarah and I went to a White Sox game with Glynn and his girlfriend, Brooke (who performs on Sarah's iO team, Stottlemeyer).

The Sox played the Oakland A's. A couple of A's fans with signs sat a few seats behind us, and got a good amount of jeers from the crowd around them. One guy in particular kept yelling out jokes at their expense.

Then Oakland scored some runs and the heckling grew quiet. I'm no baseball expert, but the Sox didn't seem to be playing all that well. Morale dipped low.

Brooke: This game sucks.

Then the main heckler noticed someone with a Cubs hat sitting a section over to the left. Suddenly he was on a roll again, going on and on about how terrible the Cubs are, and how stupid you would have to be to be a Cubs fan. I couldn't make out most of what he was saying, but he got a lot of laughs from the crowd around him.

The Sox rallied a little near the end, but still lost. Leaving the stadium, I didn't overhear a single joke about the A's, but I did hear a rousing chant of "Fuck the Cubs!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So fun!

A friend of mine (cubs fan) recently made quite an accurate observation: when cubs fans are at their games, they don't even think or talk about the Sox; when Sox fans are at their games (like this one) there are a ton of slams towards the Cubs. Maybe we, Sox fans, can just focus in and not feel the need to bring up our North side neighbors.