Tuesday, April 22, 2008

During a recent conversation with Sarah it came up that once while working in a salon she had learned how to perform ear candling. I'd never had it done and really only vaguely understood what it involves.

This led to Sarah candling my ears. Why not?

I can't say that I felt any different afterward, less waxy or more balanced (and looking it up on Wikipedia I just read, "according to medical researchers, it is both dangerous and ineffective"), but it was a funny little experience and I think that's all that really matters.


Anonymous said...

For some reason I imagine that Sarah is looking out of frame at a sophisticated array of viewscreens and monitoring equipment.

J said...

You're really going to have to go into more detail.

Also I want my ears candled.


crabbydad said...

Isn't the fire end s'posed to go in your ear?