Monday, July 14, 2008

Glynn records the first act of the Whirled News show (most) every week and then posts them online as a podcast. He uses this Olympus recorder.

Somehow, though, between the show this Saturday and getting home, he lost the recorder.

Glynn: I called the bar, called the CTA and even put a reward ad on the lost-and-found section of Craigslist but, so far, no response. I'd like to at least blame a late night of boozing but this particular night I was home in bed by 12:30. Chin has been really cool about the whole thing and I'm sure it's no huge blow to the cast, but I've felt like a huge jerk about it since Saturday.

So, somewhere out there, a handheld recorder is floating around holding the only file of what will from now on be known as "Whirled News: The Lost Episode."


John P. Glynn said...

What an irresponsible cretin.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a job for the Mystery Cove team.

Patrick said...

It was the best show you guys had ever done, too.