Friday, July 11, 2008

After my Diplomat Motel show I went out for some drinks with Sarah and Meador.

Meador: I cleaned my first calostomy bag today. It was the worst thing I've ever smelled in my life. And I keep smelling it now, everywhere.

Sarah and I talked Meador into staying out and having a few more beers than he'd originally intended. Part of the deal was that we'd go to this underground bar called the Dugout, that none of us had been to before.

Meador: I've always been curious to go in there.
Me: It's really because its right next to the L isn't it?
Meador: Was it that obvious?

1 comment:

Chip said...

I emptied my grandfather's colostomy bag once. I can't imagine doing that for anyone who you weren't indebted to for years of unconditional love and who used to change your diaper as a baby.