Thursday, August 21, 2008

At a work lunch, Innis and I were talking about having names that are easy to make fun of.

Me: Do you ever think about just giving up and changing your name to Anus?
Innis: I hate you. When I was a senior in high school my soccer coach gave me the coach's award and called me Penis in front of the whole assembly.
Me: Ouch.
Innis: He was Greek with a heavy accent, though.
Me: I just had to put up with a lot of "did you camp on your knee" jokes.
Innis: Taunts are tougher when they aren't funny.

[By the way, as I was taking this picture of Innis (and his pre-Mustache Day beard) an almost heavenly ray of light descended down on him through the Goose Island skylight.]


Tiff said...

Wish I coulda been there for that lunch...I used to get Tiffany "Shit-ko" all the time.

Also, Innis looks like he's in a church...and mildly like Jesus...but after a haircut.

nora leona said...

Ummm, Goose Island.

And with the last name of Spitznogle, I'm fleeing the name pain.