Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Poland, who now works in the small TV upstairs instead of the bigger one downstairs, recently wrote on his blog about his son getting in trouble at summer camp. He wasn't sure exactly what the problem had been until he read the official note from the camp that explained that his son, "has been making 'farting' noises with his armpit. We discussed how it was inappropriate at camp and a big distraction to other campers. He continued to make the noises while we were in a large group after he was told to stop. Could you please talk to him about appropriate behavior?"

He wrote on his blog, "And just how does one punish rogue armpit flatus? No tank tops for a week!"

Poland: I asked him why he wouldn't stop. He said it was because the attention he got felt too good to resist. The laughs.
Me: Yep.
Poland: He's gotten a taste for it.
Me: Wait 'til he finds out how much of his dad's job involves fart noises.

Poland was kind enough to let me take this picture, even though he was unhappy with his hair.

Steve-o: Have the top of the screen cut it off.
Poland: Yeah. I'll do that.
Steve-o: Although, I think you're overestimating how well we can actually see you.

[As a side note, all four of the people mentioned in this post can be (kind of) seen in this picture.]


Anonymous said...

how to make the noises with arms?

Anonymous said...

I don't see the camp counselor anywhere in that picture.

Arnie said...

Also hidden in this picture... a paintbrush, an apple, a carrot, a nail, and a comb. Can you find them all?