Friday, April 18, 2008

My youngest sister, Allie, is flying into Illinois for a college volleyball tournament. Mom, Sherry, and my nephew, Ty, drove out for the weekend to see the games. I visited them in their hotel as they waited for Allie's plane to land.

As it got later, Ty had to grudgingly change into his pajamas, but he was allowed to stay up to wait to see Allie.

Eventually Allie called, confused about what room we were in in the hotel. It was then that Mom realized the team was booked in a different hotel.

Mom: They changed hotels. We're in the wrong hotel. This is the hotel they said they'd be in, but they must have changed it at the last minute.
Sherry: Well, we'll see her tomorrow at the tournament.
Mom: But I bought her this sandwich. Come on everybody. Let's go see Allie. She needs this sandwich.

Walking to the elevators, Mom and Sherry argued about how necessary it was to drive to a different hotel in the middle of the night to bring Allie a chicken sandwich and Ty kept saying, over and over again, "Why am I wearing my pajamas? Hey, hey, why am I wearing my pajamas? Guys, why am I wearing my pajamas?"

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